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Discover the Exercise Hormone Irisin


Discover the Exercise Hormone Irisin

Interesting new research has proven the presence of a hormone that increases during exercise and works wonders for our health and metabolism.Called “exercise hormone,” this muscle hormone was discovered by scientists at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Because it is a chemical messenger, it was named after a messenger goddess, irisinn.

Although its existence has been hotly debated in recent years, Harvard scientists studying arsenic have recently announced that “the data provided clearly show that human arsenic exists. Is.”Irisin, usually present in the outer membrane of a muscle cell as part of a larger protein, remains inactive and inactive until released. Exercise, and other factors help distribute this protein, releasing iris in the process.

So, now we know that arsenic is present and we also know that our body uses it more when we exercise.Why is this important? What does this hormone do when we start pumping blood and our heart rate increases?The powerhouse hormone Irisin seems to have a unique ability to convert white fat into brown fat. White fat stores energy (calories) while brown fat is better for us because it is more involved in burning (increasing our metabolism) than storing energy. Brown fat amazes scientists because it is more physically similar to muscle than fat and plays an important role in maintaining normal weight. It acts and acts more like muscle than fat, which probably explains why it has the ability to burn fat so efficiently.Lean people have more brown fat than obese people.

Young people have more brown fat than adults and people with normal blood sugar levels enjoy the benefits of more brown fat than people with high blood sugar.Obesity, a condition of fat accumulation, is a real problem in today’s world. This is the result of overeating and less exercise. Increasing Irisin levels help increase glucose tolerance and reduce insulin resistance, suggesting that this could be a real breakthrough in the treatment of diabetes.But the benefits of this new, exciting “exercise” hormone don’t stop there. Irisin offers other valuable benefits, such as stimulating the development of new neurons in the brain and activating genes involved in memory retention and learning. It also works directly on the bones, increasing the mineral density of the bones and promoting its formation which in turn helps in osteoporosis.

All of these things are valuable and play an important role in our overall health. But another very interesting discovery revolves around Erison about how it affects our telomeres. It seems that high Irisin levels are directly associated with lengthening our telomeres! The taller our telomeres, the shorter the telomere (a genetic sign of aging) the younger and healthier our body will be!

This means that we are less prone to age-related diseases and diseases such as cancer, dementia and heart disease.With so much controversy surrounding the discovery of Irisin, it will take some time before the entire scientific community comes on board to discover how to use the power of this unique hormone.

However, this does not mean that we have to stop our health until then.If we want to enjoy the benefits of Irisin – feel more radiant and youthful than ever, we must allow this hormone to work its magic right now.Because we already know that exercise increases the amount of arsenic in our body, this is the best place to start exercising. This is, of course, the best way to increase our arsenic levels. However, not all exercises are created equal.Not surprisingly, a recent scientific discovery published in 2014 found that high-intensity exercise improves Irisin levels compared to low-intensity exercise, which means it stimulates the body to release it. Must be challenged to do.

Researchers have also discovered that the rats who used to do you daily but were given a high fat dose are still low and they are suspected to be due to Erison. Cold temperature is another factor.

It seems that the tremor we are exposed to when cold temperatures increase Erison, even combines the consequences of regular exercises.Irisin is a healthy, fat burning, sensitive hormone that gives us many health benefits.

It is empowered to reduce body weight, increase energy costs, and improve insulin resistance due to diet.It’s time to cool the house, go to the gym and enjoy healthy grease. Our health, weight and longevity will all benefit.Caroline Hanson – You go to a health and fitness specialist.

“Before I help clients end the situation, if your life is a real physical and mental fitness journey, I will sit on the driver’s seat.”

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