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Sohna and Mohna with 2 head 2 legs in 1 body


Sohna and Mohna was born in 2003 delhi india in very poor family after some time of their birth their family didn’t accept them .because of their physical condition .after declination of their family (pingalwara association )feed them give them safety. But now there age is 19 year

Their Treatment

After the some time of their birth they were admitted in institute of medical science hospital .Doctors make decisions to separate them,

but they fail because sohna and Mohna are connected with one stomach and spinal if doctor separate them they can die.

Sohna and Mohna in childhood

Sohna and mohna

Sohna Singh and Mohna Singh have 2 head 4 hands 2 legs with one body. actually they are attached to each other they feel same condition .

if we touch the left side Sona feel it and if we touch the right side Mona feel it.
They attach like a graph of of the body feel Sona and half of the body Mohna feel.if we touch the body in the middle Sohna and Mohna feel that at the same time.after the half of the body their feelings stops the work.

On the sohna side sohna is only able to feel it but at Mohna side Mohna is able to feel it. But their genetal is same they also control their genetal at the same time .both works to gather but they didn’t run fast because of heartbeat .

How they work

They are very active and work fast.they can jump on bad .also they can write and read .they can came down from ladder .they are also able to drive they can drive their vehicle Mohna command in break and mohna command on accelerator and peddle.
They both command on steering at the same time two minds works to gather at the same time .they studied electrical engineering and now they working as electrician in a government job.their salary is about (20000inr)or in Dollars about (250$).

Sohna Mohna working

They get paid only one person salary.
They have separate identity .
In future they both want to marry with 1 girl (same person marriage).they have  jealous with each other they make decisions to gather.they didn’t fight with each other.they have same choice.they wear two shirts and one jeans pant.
They are attached together if one of them is making violence both will get punish.
Sohna and Mohna sleep to gather.but their sleeping system is different some time sohna awake early some time Mohna awake early it depends on their mind they can play games to gather.their intelligence level is normal.sohna’s nature is social .they use same mobile Mohna active in mobile game Mohna only help him to play the game.

They feel Hungary at the same time .if sohna get I’ll after 8 hors Mohna also feel ill.both can eat food but their stomach is same . It is very thinkfull thing that if one mind dead 2nd mind will not be able to work more time.but now they are very happy and living a satisfy life


Sohna and mohna singing

They like mobile games
They also want to sing
Their want to sing like Arijit Singh.

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