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Addressing Our Worldwide Issues With Mother Nature


This understanding of nature’s inclinations – when its signs and symptoms are out of balance for us, exacerbates any imbalance, and endangers the health of our precious planet Earth, causing stress, stress and ultimately breakdown. Gives.Important Lesson: We are not separate from Mother Earth. We are her children and she has given us a wealth of natural resources to experience a wonderful life.

If there is a crisis in nature, it is because we have misused its privileges, overstepped our bounds and created an imbalance.With a heavy dose of gratitude, instead of aligning with Mother Nature / Earth and using its natural resources in balance, we use and waste her resources selfishly, often for short-term financial gain. And ultimately damage the environment that is designed for us to live and thrive. I

We strip it of its lush forests and extract precious minerals from the soil to make it barren. We poison air and water, set fire to its landscape, and unnecessarily destroy its stunning display of wildlife, which is not necessary for sports or trophies.Our indifference to the hand that feeds us separates us from what we are, nature.

Destructive personal habits eventually appear in our lives as discomfort or disease, and the same principle appears globally as disease. So, what is the answer?We must change our war against nature.Diseases that suddenly appear in the world in the form of diseases, resulting in world-wide epidemics, fires that get out of control, pollution that poisons both air and water, and governmental and social ills.

These are our direct results. Dissatisfied, unhealthy thoughts, habits and actions. They negatively affect our environment, our government and our environment collectively from our personal lives.Ignoring signals while waiting for a wake-up call before initiating changes puts us and our environment at great risk because most alarms do not ring until the problems become critical and reach the boiling point. Go.

At this point, things are rapidly changing from minor symptoms to major problems and all of a sudden we are dealing with a dirty global crisis that disrupts trade, travel, productivity and the health of the economy and the world. Is being damaged.After all, war with nature is war with us.Global warming, environmental pollution, extinction of precious animals and life-sustaining plants, bursting populations, food shortages and climate change are global problems that we as human beings and patrons of the motherland must address.

Should. This can only happen when understanding is broken, responsibility is accepted and each of us does our part to restore and maintain the balance of nature.And it starts at home. “The way we do small things is the way we do big things.”

Our personal lives, our lifestyles, the habits we adopt and how they affect our health, are not confined to the home mentally, physically and emotionally but run collectively globally and ultimately whole. Affect the health and stability of the world.The truth is that shifting your personal daily habits and lifestyle towards healthy ones is the first step towards experiencing the same things globally, globally.We must stop our selfish, arrogant attitude and point fingers. There is only one direction we can find the answers and that is directly on our own, because we are the answer.

In all of this, if anyone raises a finger, it points directly at us. If we want to make changes, they start and end with us.Each of us has a role to play in a larger project and when we don’t play our role effectively, we damage the whole.In other words, “we are all in the same boat” and we must be caring, flexible, and selfless in caring for each other, Mother Nature, and the world around us.If we want to keep and maintain our environment, our ecology and our economy, both personally and globally, healthy, prosperous, and balanced, we need to step on the plate and make serious changes.

We can no longer sit on the sidelines indifferent to the world around us, waiting for a crisis to “wake us up.”It’s time to dump her and move on. We must take responsibility for our lives, the health of Mother Earth, the home of our planets, and the resources that give it a generous life. We must be responsible, supportive and supportive of the stability of our governments, our appointed leaders, and their decisions.

As US President John F. Kennedy once asked – “Don’t ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Let’s read this wise request: “Don’t ask what the planet Earth can do for you, but what you can do for the planet Earth.”Caroline Hansen – See a healthcare professional.”I help clients before the situation eliminates the option. If your life is a journey of real physical and mental fitness, I will put you in the driver’s seat.”Tools and resources to achieve this: Carolyn Hansen Fitness

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