Beware of pets that can become health worms!Because if you give him an unwanted beak, he can give you Psittacosis. what’s the matter? It’s another way to spell ‘Deadly Attraction’ … and when you’re about it, you pay attention to cat’s claws, (scratch, scratch!) Jumping fleas, and (egg!) Hair. Can keep – Horrible caterpillars …If you have a sudden high fever, chills, and headache, you may think you have malaria. Or even pneumonia. So maybe your doctor. He can then take many anti-malarial drugs – even to fight malaria. You won’t get better, so he will switch to stronger antibiotics.
Again, don’t go. Then you will both bow your heads in despair. But, finally, if your doctor understands well enough, he will ask you if you have found a bird. You will answer in the affirmative. Suddenly, her face lit up with Eureka’s expression. She will soon realize that you have Psittacosis.Come again, you say, Psittacosis. It is a disease that is transmitted to humans by birds. When parrots and parrots are guilty, the word sorry, carry, ornithosis, is used. Other birds that carry the disease are pigeons and chickens (although chickens are less likely to be infected). In addition to the symptoms already described, you may have a severe, dry, intermittent cough and occasional salivation and even bleeding.
There is general physical pain and the muscles of the back and neck can be stiff and painful, so this condition can also be considered by doctors as meningitis. Some patients feel tired, numb and depressed and complain of insomnia.
With such a wide range of possible symptoms, it’s easy to see how doctors can be misled. Especially when you consider that there may be other complications of the disease – including pleurisy with flow or water in the lungs, inflammation of the heart muscle or myocarditis membrane or pericarditis. The disease can be fatal. In fact, kissing parrots, not washing your hands after handling birds (and their food utensils) before sitting down for lunch, and being too close to them can make you suffer from psittacosis a week or two after contact.
That is, how long is the incubation period. Occasionally, however, you may have a mild flu-like illness that can go away on its own.But why take opportunities? The disease can be diagnosed by taking an X-ray. It shows a picture like pneumonia. Urine also contains protein. But the confirmation test is a blood culture that shows useful bacteria.
Otherwise, the overall picture of the disease can be confusing, as Psittacosis can be misdiagnosed with tuberculosis and infectious mononucleosis, as well as other conditions listed above. Tetracycline is the best medicine for this disease.Beware of cat claws!You may have heard of cat scratch disease, but is there really such a thing? Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either. All you need is a cat, sharp claws, some provocation and – ouch!
He has driven his nails into you! What happens next? After about three to ten days, a small, pimple-like swelling may appear at the site of the scratch. Two weeks later, the lymph glands in the neck (or armpits or groin) become swollen and painful. Often, that’s all there is to it. But some patients may also have a high fever, headache, nausea and fatigue. Only 5% of people have a resemblance to itching.
The skin test confirms the diagnosis. Inflammatory gland biopsy may also be done as additional confirmation.The disease cannot be passed from one person to another, so the patient does not need to be isolated. Fever usually requires no treatment other than medication. The result is excellent. Swollen glands disappear spontaneously in two to six months. Immunity after this disease lasts a lifetime. Overall, this is a very rare disease, so you don’t have to throw out your bad .
Beware of these jumping fleas
Dogs, cats and rats can cause skin irritation. Many people do not react to flea bites, but in people who are sensitive, flea saliva causes a small, raised, reddish swelling. There is severe itching, so they repeatedly scratch the affected area, infecting the skin, causing blisters or abscesses. This condition is called flea dermatitis. Fleas can be controlled by keeping the house and all pets clean (even yourself!), Regularly washing your pets and their beds with powder, or using flea collars.
Dermatitis is treated with soothing creams and anti-allergy pills.Stay away from Mr. Caterpillar!Caterpillars seem to be spotted in the most unexpected places – like the chair you are about to sit on, or hanging on the line of clothes on your sweater! Before you can say ‘hairy horror’, someone has brushed against you. And left its stinging Brussels deeply embedded in your skin. You feel severe burning pain in this area. Redness and hives form. And the more you scratch, the deeper you push the hair.
Let me show you an even better way, using a surefire – sticking plaster. Just apply a bandage to the skin where the hair is attached, press, lift one end and pull quickly – Presto, all the brussels sprouts come out and the itch goes away quickly.If left alone, the inflammation usually subsides within 24 hours, but some people develop severe allergies that may need to be treated with I.V. Calcium gluconate In less severe cases, anti-allergy pills and soothing creams help after hair removal.
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