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Surviving Bone Surgeries


In the last 2 years, I have undergone four bone and reconstruction surgery. In the past years, I have done other types of surgery, but with my personal experience, I would love to share my experiences with others to hope that those who pass through the same experience can easily feel and Perhaps help those who have family members. Experience surgeries to understand their loved ones.

The moments of surgery are alarming and emotional. There are ways I will discuss how to be assured and remain calm. Also, before surgery, I will discuss the day of surgery, after surgery, and the recovery at home.Let’s tell you about the need for surgery and you are ready for it. Most doctors are more pleased to help you in cases of broken bones or pain if you admit yourself that you need their help and need it.

When I was diagnosed with a discs in my neck, I honestly did not want surgery and wanted to find another way to fix it. I went to cheropractors, therapists, domestic treatment and to take advantage of myself, I waited a long time until it was so bad that I said, “I’ve been.” I was finally ready. Our emotions about surgery take the best of us at any time and we are not willing to admit that our problem is so bad until this time there is no harm. Sometimes, yes, it pays to stubbornly and wait, but many times, this does not happen. In my case, my neck was worse ten years after the fact that I started.

The idea of ​​surgery and “putting” under anesthesia made me intimidated, but even more, “what happened” that went with him. What would happen if I died, was I ready? What will happen if I am paralyzed,

what will happen to me and my family?

What will happen, if what happens, if what? I was making myself sick!I am a very religious existence, but emotions roam. I knew I had to step back and trust God to help me. I started thinking about the verse in the Bible in Philippines 4: 6-7 that tells us that there is nothing to be anxious for anything but your via Thax Giving and Prayer with Let the requests come to God. And the peace of God, which

All understanding advances, Christ will protect your hearts and your minds in Jesus. Matthew 6:34 has read about being anxious about tomorrow that it will be anxious for tomorrow. It is enough for the day. And other verses about anxiety began to fill my mind. I knew I had to go back to the context that God had it.

Indeed, I was still worried.In my trouble, I turned away things. I had to get ready Although I was completely hurt and paid everything that night or the next day, things had to be eliminated. I knew that he told me after surgery that I would not be able to do anything for a while and that included not going to the car for a month.

I had to take my home in a tip -top shape and game! My husband was about to leave for a week after surgery, but he had to go back to work so I focused on planning to eat and putting dinner in the freezer for later dates.Some things like home and food can include things like beds and where you fall asleep. I recommend as much gold as the neck and shoulder surgery. You will need to do this for some surgeries. If you do not have an elevator bed, buy pillows or two. You will be restricted to regular domestic tasks.

To bend things from the floor and pick, don’t plan it. If you can find a cheap handgarer that reaches the floor and you can squeeze it with your hand to open and close it, it will be a great idea. Lifting a gallon of milk or other weight items will also be a problem. Try to freeze the drinks in empty bottles that you will be able to lift properly. There may be something to bring pillows and keep a cover in mind for a ride home.

This will help to collide on the streets or remove curves. Keeping your mind on prayer and preparation will help to end the problem. Make sure you follow all surgery instructions so that you are ready for this day. So emotionally disturbing about your upcoming surgery, give everyone my advice, God and just breathe. Get your home, but you need. Capture your brain which will help you after surgery.

On the day of surgery, I have learned from my neck, lower parts, left shoulders and right knee surgery that it is a whirlpool. Of course, you will sign all kinds of permissions and forms and sign in to the hospital. It is common and may be long, but it is important to do. Patience may be thin from you, but you have found it. You will have the opportunity to talk to your doctor and anesthesologist before surgery. Even if you have any concerns, do not hesitate to ask them. Remember, they are paying for you to serve you. Fear the fact that their work can be more important.

You are just as important and you must meet your needs and concerns. I have seen many mischievous patients who do not care about their careers, and they remember being good and respectful when asking questions or concerns.You will be standing for blood and picture lines and what notices, but be prepared that it may cause a bit of discomfort, but soon it will end and once the iv will be and start pumping proper medicines. You should be properly monitored. It may not be permissible for you to stay with you during these blood processes, but usually until they take you back to the Back of Surgery, they usually with you Allow. I wanted to pray and my husband and family prayed with me.

It is a comfort for yourself and may be for you too.After surgery, they will keep you in a recovery room where they will oversee your blood pressure and any other problem that can be revealed. They will keep a close eye on your progress coming out of your anesthesia. Generally, you are in good shape and a lot. At this time, the doctor usually goes to your family member or whatever you are brought to for surgery and give account of how matters go. They will know what went down and to be.

When they see that you are ready, they will usually bring you back to the same room when you entered the IV. Here, here, you will be able to stay again with your loved ones. If your family is anything like me, they will try to entertain a little bit of the idea you are “Lupi” and will ask you strange things or tell you strange things. Just smiling them humor!And finally, if you don’t have to stay in the hospital, they will send you home. My neck surgery, I had to stay in the hospital overnight, but for others, they were out.

One thing I put on the most is the one to follow the following instructions after your surgery !! Read them yourself and read the individual too. If anything seems wrong, make sure to pay attention! Usually your intestine will tell you and will not ignore them. For example, and it’s not meant to frighten you, but I know someone who had surgery and a few days after he was home, he was filling his own together because his The colon was disconnected by mistake. The ER sent her home only after the IV of antibiotics. There are some things, just make sure your body knows and listen.

Do exactly what they tell you and if you are sent home with proper drugs and pain and instructions for infection, take them on a regular basis until you feel yourself that you do not feel Ready to stop taking. If you let the pain go away from far, it can be a major problem. With each surgery I had, each nerve and other matters were very different. Make sure to contact your doctor if they are not helping you or if you have a problem with something !! Stay on top of everything!It’s okay to ask for help.

Do not stubborn because it can cause unnecessary discomfort and keep you back. If you need help to do something easy, please call a family or church member and even a nearby neighbor who can go to you quickly. More than possible, they are trying to help and would like to help. Put the ice PAC on the hand as it has to go after surgery. If you need it, get someone your get.

It is also important to have a phone with you. It is good to respond to the call and answer the call instead of beating yourself while trying to go on the phone. Don’t do more than that! You may feel like you are feeling so good one day that you think, “I can do this and today,” but be a little slowly and a little bit or you’ll pay for it.

I had a notepad near me and wrote a lot of notes, especially to mark me with gifts or food. I was very grateful to these people.I pray that it was helpful in preparing you for surgery. From emotions and anxiety to the influence of surgery, a lot needs to be considered. Try to keep the family late on things and let others help you in this process. Just remember to rest and pray. Your good wish and healing!

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